My name Athis means absolutly nothing, so lets not analyze it. Im a Swedish dude, 34 years old, living in the south of Sweden in a town called Lund. Living there with girlfriend and two cats. My name is Daniel.
I study for a MSc in Geology at the university here in Lund. So if you have a rock related question, im your man.
I have some lower lvls outside the guild, but my Warden/Rouge is my primary character for now. Let me describe my personal feelings about this class combination:
Its the most fun type of charachter ive tried to play in Rom. And ive tried a lot of them before this. Its a versitile character with lots of DD- and Tank-abilities. Not the best at any of them of course, but def. good at everything exept range.
My elite Thorns upgrade is very nice and is my primary form of attack. (+50% damage compared to standard i think, but not sure) Suddenly theres a life and place in the game for the Warden past lvl 20. I cant do the same damage as a mage of course, but im def equal to the rouge, perhaps even better, and can take a beating equal or better than the warrior and probably only second to the knight class thanks to the wardens fair stamina and the skill "heart of the oak". Its rare that any mob at my lvl or 4 lvls above ever can hurt me much at all.
I know theres a lot of bashing of the warden on the net. These people just cant play the character right. Wardens are a warrior-type of class firstly and therefor should be used with rouge/warrior as supportclasses, and then perhaps scout or mage alternativly. The pet is not a substitute for your own fighting, its there as a distraction for the enemy more than to be used as a tank to hide behind. If ppl simply accepted this, then they would be able to play the warden as primary better also.
The Warden is however a poor secondary class. Play it as primary or not at all is what I think.
Thank you very much. Now you my ask me stuff or complain about what I just said about the Warden.